Clock and Timekeeping Application

The Clock and Timekeeping Application is used to provide access to date and time information to CBus units.

This is used for example in conjunction with programmable units that act differently depending on the time or date, and with touchscreen units that may display the time on their screens.

Please refer to this document in conjunction with the Clock and Timekeeping Application Guide published by Clipsal.

class cbus.protocol.application.clock.ClockApplication

Bases: cbus.protocol.application.sal.BaseApplication

This class is called in the cbus.protocol.applications.APPLICATIONS dict in order to describe how to decode clock and timekeeping application events received from the network.

Do not call this class directly.

static decode_sals(data: bytes) → Sequence[cbus.protocol.application.sal.SAL]

Decodes a clock and timekeeping application packet and returns its SAL(s).

static supported_applications() → Set[cbus.common.Application]

Gets a list of supported Application IDs for the application.

All application IDs must be in the range 0x00 - 0xff.

class cbus.protocol.application.clock.ClockSAL

Bases: cbus.protocol.application.sal.SAL, abc.ABC

Base type for clock and timekeeping application SALs.

static decode_sals(data: bytes) → Sequence[cbus.protocol.application.clock.ClockSAL]

Decodes a clock broadcast application packet and returns it’s SAL(s).

Parameters:data – SAL data to be parsed.
Returns:The SAL messages contained within the given data.
Return type:list of cbus.protocol.application.clock.ClockSAL
class cbus.protocol.application.clock.ClockUpdateSAL(val: Union[, datetime.time])

Bases: cbus.protocol.application.clock.ClockSAL

Clock update event SAL.

Informs the network of the current time.

Creates a new SAL Clock update message.

Use clock_update_sal(val) instead of this constructor, as that method handles datetime.datetime objects (in addition to and datetime.time, always returns Sequence[ClockUpdateSAL].

Parameters:val – The value of that variable. Dates are represented in native date format, and times are represented in native time format.
classmethod decode(data: bytes, command_code: int) → Tuple[Optional[cbus.protocol.application.clock.ClockSAL], bytes]

Do not call this method directly – use ClockSAL.decode

encode() → bytes
class cbus.protocol.application.clock.ClockRequestSAL

Bases: cbus.protocol.application.clock.ClockSAL

Clock request event SAL.

Requests network time.

Creates a new SAL Clock request message.

classmethod decode(data: bytes) → Tuple[Optional[cbus.protocol.application.clock.ClockSAL], bytes]

Do not call this method directly – use ClockSAL.decode

encode() → bytes
cbus.protocol.application.clock.clock_update_sal(val: Union[, datetime.time, datetime.datetime]) → Sequence[cbus.protocol.application.clock.ClockUpdateSAL]

Creates Clock Update SAL(s) based on Python datetime objects.

Parameters:val – The value to set in the ClockUpdateSAL. If this is a datetime.datetime, this will create multiple ClockUpdateSAL objects. If this is a or datetime.time, this will only create only a single ClockUpdateSAL.
Returns:Sequence of ClockUpdateSAL, regardless of input value type.
Raises:TypeError – On invalid input type.